The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency has announced the five winners to the Circle Finder competition. The winners are as follows:
1st Place |
Selim Seferbekov |
$20,000 |
2nd Place |
Matthieu Zins |
$10,000 |
3rd Place |
Vlad Dumitriu |
$8,000 |
4th Place |
Hernan Amiun |
$7,000 |
5th Place |
Victor Durnov |
$5,000 |
Please read the press release for more information:
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is the nation's primary source of geospatial intelligence (GEOINT). The NGA provides GEOINT in support of U.S. national security and defense, as well as disaster relief. GEOINT is the exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial information that describes, assesses and visually depicts physical features and geographically referenced activities on the Earth.
Computer vision algorithms currently require large volumes of data to define a single discrete object. While gaining success, it is still difficult for machines to search geographic areas and accurately segment specific shapes within those areas. The NGA seeks to know where all the circles in the world are and how big they are.
Visit this page regularly for updated information. Sign up now for updates, including notification of the official Challenge launch notice, by clicking "Get in touch."
NGA is seeking novel approaches to segmentation of satellite imagery to detect, delineate, and describe circular-shaped features. These features come in a variety of sizes (from 3m to 300m) and compositions (from vegetation to steel). Examples include agriculture circular irrigation areas, fuel storage tanks, buildings, traffic circles and fountains. What makes this task a bit more challenging is that circular features might not be perfectly circular -- portions might be jagged edges that are otherwise part of a circle or disrupted by cross-cutting objects at greater height.
The Circle Finder Challenge will have an open submission period of 5 weeks (launch date to be announced, stay tuned!). Throughout the open period, solvers will be able to submit and test their code solutions, view their quantitative score and participate in a leaderboard indicating solver rank based on the training data.
The winners will be the eligible, registered participants who submit the best overall solutions in accordance with the evaluation criteria.
For media inquiries, please email mediarelations@nga.mil.